989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Absolut-ely Ridiculous

Have you seen the ad above or heard the uproar over it? This is an ad designed to run only in Mexico, but of course it made its way to the mainstream media and has taken on a life of its own. I have a few thoughts on the ad.

The things that are okay with this ad...

1. It is visually appealing. I love old maps. You love old maps. Everybody loves old maps. (Also, as a fan of alternate-reality-type fiction/movies, it's an interesting prospect.)

2. Setting aside the fact that the ad is potentially insulting, it is clever. Absolut is masterful at combining visuals and headlines to reinforce their brand.

3. I think this could be an effective ad and that Absolut might sell more vodka in Mexico because of the ad.

The things that are stupid about this ad...

1. I don't have any facts to back this up, but I have to believe that the US buys more vodka than Mexico. Just based on per capita income alone, that would seem to make sense. I understand that they want the ad to appeal to the intended market, but to give what I have to assume is one of the largest consumer countries a black eye in the process is poor planning. Even if they sell more vodka in Mexico, those gains could very well be offset by sales dips in the U.S.

2. Does Sweden not have the internet? What in the world would make Absolut think that the ad would only be seen in Mexico. Nearly everyone on the planet has seen Britney's pantiless escapades. How could any major corporation be so naive to think that a potentially inflammatory ad would be contained by borders?

3. Earlier I said that I think it could be an effective ad, but that doesn't make it a good idea. I'm willing to bet you a fiver that Absolut could put together an ad that says, "In An Absolut America" with visuals of the Confederate flag and slaves and there are would be an increase in sales in certain parts of the country. Pandering works, but it's a low-road way to get a result. (Yes, I know that this directly counters point 3 above, but I've got a big brain and can see it from both sides.)

In the end...

Some people are calling for a boycott of Absolut products because of this ad this ad. Relax, What a stupid idea.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for boycotting Absolut, but let's do it for the right reasons.

Boycott Absolut because it's crappy vodka.


Blogger metrochic said...

Can I say "I love your end"?

2:23 AM  
Blogger 989 Design said...

If only I had a dime for every time I heard that one.


1:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

not at all man... and those stuff 'bout you said: "we buy more vodka per capita than mexico" hmmmm come to mexico and see it.... you will wonder why mexicans don't buy vodka... easy.... we prefeer another things... but almost everyone can afford a hard drinking hangover of vodka... also seemesly the most expensive brochure of the brand; "level" so.... okay... i don't regret that offensive... but stay real... that was stolen... by the coop of goof government and the "inteligent" government who takes advantage. i don't talk politics... i prefeer rather waste sometime with some whores... keep on mind.... i don't prefeer vodka as my first choice... but the ad reminds all the problematics of this country, all "screen politics and democracy of yours" if you have some questions... ask for the actual status of your economy (us) an economy "creditician built in" so... goodbye =)

6:48 AM  

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