989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

An interesting week.

The photo is another Midland Street photo, it's just an interior instead of the usual exterior view. This is the bar at Lumberjacks, which is just up the street from the studio. I don't think it's a great photo, but I like that you can see the reflection of the stuffed bear in the mirror. If you haven't visited Lumberjacks, you really should check it out. Great people working there and really excellent food. They're trying to have a more...um...loungy-type atmosphere on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Give us older kids someplace to hang out that isn't all karaoke all the time, you know?

I tried writing this a couple of times, but haven't really had any time to devote until right now. It's been, as the title says, a really interesting week. Since last we met, I've had a few great opportunities pop up. I can't make any claim to having great timing, it was just dumb luck that I was in the right place at the right time (about three different times), I do believe, though, that we make our own luck to an extent. I guess the seeds I planted are finally coming home to roost (to mix a metaphor or two).

The biggest news is that 989 landed a new client this week. I can't say too much about it yet, other than to say that it is a high-profile client and I will get pretty good exposure because of it. I'm hoping to make the big announcement in the next week, pending a few minor details being wrapped up.

In addition, it look like we are going to be adding a couple of golf courses to the client roster. It won't be a ton of work, but it will mean that I get to golf a lot this year. I'm not really a golfer, but I do enjoy it and I've always said that I think I could be decent if I actually spent some time doing it. I'd like to try to get out once a week all summer long. Check back with me in September and I'll let you know how that went.

I've also met some really neat people in the past ten days. I sat in the studio and had tea with a fascinating person who shared his stories about working with Mikhail Baryshnikov. I met a fellow designer and we had a great conversation about design in the area and about the possibilities of working together. I always love hanging out and talking with designers (how I miss my days at Govnr's Park with my designer pals) because it's fun to share war stories.

I'm more excited about the business than I have ever been. Things are falling into place...the stars are lining up...I feel like I'm on the verge of something big.


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