989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Busy week.

989 had a pretty good week. I had a couple of really productive meetings, I had a great pitch meeting with a potential new client, I managed to keep my head above water with all of the jobs I'm working on, plus I finally got www.989design.com launched. The website was the big thing because it's been something that's been on my TO DO list for over a year. Hell, I've never really had a site worth speaking of, so I guess it's been on my TO DO list for over five years.

Anyway, the site is up and running and even though there are GAPING HOLES that I need to fill in, it's there. My big project for the weekend is fleshing out the writing in a couple of sections and working on the portfolio pieces I want to show. Currently, I have a portfolio up there that you can view or download, but the portfolio section is where I really need to be focusing my work.

The space I was looking at to open my design studio/record store is being rented, which is a little disappointing. The space is perfect, but I'm so busy right now that the timing is just awful. On the bright side, though, the guy renting it is my doctor. And he's looking to open up? You guessed it, a record store. We're going to talk about doing something together and I might even be able to still use the space for the studio, which would be awesome.

Okay, I'm looking at the clock and realizing that I still have a lot to do before I think about relaxing tonight, so I should get back to work.

I need to start pushing the site and the blog because I'm really curious to know if anybody is even reading this.


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