989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Price of Publicity

Things continue to go very well with the studio. My work for the OHL All-Star Classic was the subject of a front-page article and photo in The Saginaw News about two weeks ago. It was pretty strange being on the other side of the lens and having a reporter ask me all sorts of questions. And then when I saw that I was on the front page? Very surreal, but a lot of fun. People attending the game recognized me and said hello and complimented my work. Not too shabby, right?

One day last week--long since the article had been forgotten by everyone except me--I bring in the mail and there is a handwritten envelope addressed to me. I figure it's another dumb mortgage offer (they love the handwritten envelopes because somewhere, somebody wrote that you get a better response to handwritten envelopes, no doubt), but when I open the envelope out falls a copy of the photo of me from the paper. There is also a handwritten note, written on a yellow legal pad in what seems to be an older woman's writing. It says:

Hi Shawn,

I saw this picture of you in the Saginaw News on 1-30-07.

I have one question to ask: Don't you think you are getting to old to have that long dirty looking hair? And that silly hair on your face, you sure could use a razor.

a Reader of the News

I almost fell off the couch laughing. The photo may not have driven prospective clients to my website, but it apparently drove somebody's grandmother to complain about my appearance. I guess you really can't please everyone, can you?


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