989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rainy days do not, in fact, get me down.

It's been just over a week since the Mid-Michigan Regional Business Expo (it's too bad they can't come up with a longer name, isn't it?). I was going to write some sort of wrap-up about the Expo, but I didn't. The truth is that there really wasn't much to write about.

989 Design had a booth at the Expo, but I have pretty low expectations when attending events like that. I guess 'low expectations' isn't the best way to put it. I have realistic expectations. I don't expect to walk out of there with a bunch of new clients or anything like that. People aren't just walking around with logo design needs, you know? One benefit of attending a show like the Expo is that I do get to talk with a lot of people and help raise awareness of 989 Design. I suppose the biggest benefit is that a number of my clients have booths at the Expo and seeing 989 Design there helps keep me top-of-mind (or closer to it, anyway).

I'm glad I was at the Expo and I will probably do it again next year. If I had one criticism of the event, it's that I think people from the Chambers of Commerce should make a better effort to get around to say hello. I did talk to a couple of people at different times, but as I was at my booth I saw folks from both the Midland and Bay Chambers walk right by my booth. The only Chamber person to stop by the booth was Mike Seward,President of the Bay Area Chamber. I thought it was a nice move to just swing by to say hello and thanks for being part of the Expo. Well done, Mike.

Other than the Expo, there is not a lot to report. Okay, that's not entirely true. I actually have some very big news to report, but we're still a week away from the announcement. So be sure to stay tuned for that.

I suppose I should turn my attention back to work for a little while. As I said, check back for a big announcement in the next week or so. Have a great day.


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