989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Keep your Utopia. Make mine Brewtopia. Brewtopia Coffee, that is.

About a month ago I was approached by Aaron Bolt, the new owner of (the former) Harvest Coffee House in Bay City to design a new logo for the coffee house. The new name is Brewtopia Coffee and Aaron wanted the new logo to have a classic look and to reflect the café’s downtown location.

At the top you can see the logo we came up with. We played with a few different versions of the type until we hit on something we were all happy with. As a backdrop for the logotype, I created a few generic buildings and some quick drawings of a few downtown Bay City landmarks—the fountain in Wenona Park, Delta College planetarium and City Hall. So far, we have received a lot of positive feedback on the logo which is really gratifying.

Brewtopia is not just a coffee house, it’s a community center. A place where people get together for meetings or to just relax and talk. I’m sitting in the café right now and there is a group of young guys working on something. I’m not sure if it’s homework or their fantasy baseball draft, but they are just hanging around and having a good time. Toward the back there are a couple of people working, a couple and their baby buying some fresh-roasted beans, and another couple who are really enjoying being together (don’t worry family folks, they’re not canoodling or anything, Brewtopia isn’t that kind of place).

It’s a little after 8PM on a Tuesday night and there are about 15 people here—that’s not too bad for a weeknight in Bay City.

Clearly, Brewtopia Coffee is the place to be. So the only questions is this: Where are you tonight and why aren’t you here?

They are staying open until 9 or 10 every night of the week (except Sunday, when they close at 6). There are always several different coffees fresh and waiting for you as well as a wide variety of specialty drinks, many of which exist here and nowhere else.

You know what else is great? They roast their own beans right here in the coffee shop. They aren’t buying beans that were roasted weeks or months ago, they are buying fresh beans and roasting them themselves to be sure that you are getting the best cup of coffee in Bay City.

If you are out and about in downtown Bay City, be sure to swing by and say hello to Aaron and the gang.

This has been an unpaid advertisement.

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Blogger Janice Lois said...

Thanks for sharing information about this coffee!! I have my own coffee maker at home which got from My Flavia...

1:08 AM  
Blogger Amy Jo said...

We love Aaron and have been going there (as you know, my friend) for years since it was BCC&T and when Aaron's bro owned it as the Harvest... We always told the brothers they should stay open later... Especially during the long winter months when people are just looking for someplace to go and relax and be warm when there's nothing left to do in BC on a lonely night. I'm glad they're staying open later... I just wish it was MUCH later like at least 11PM or so.

11:43 PM  
Blogger 989 Design said...

Yeah...this is a pretty great coffee house. I liked it when it was Harvest House and I like Matt a lot, too. For whatever reason, though, something feels different these days. I really don't know what it is...the energy level, it seems busier, etc.

It's a good joint.

4:20 PM  

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