989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

989 Good Works Group

I wanted to give a quick update regarding the 989 Good Works Group. I made an informal announcement of the Good Works Group at the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast in October. I am still working on some of the details, but the immediate response has been fantastic. I’ve heard from potential clients and designers alike. In addition, I’ve spoken with people at several area schools with students interested in participating in the project. I was very pleasantly surprised to hear from a few people who either read about it in the blog or heard about it from someone at the breakfast—they, too, want to donate some of their time and talent to the Good Works Group.

I think the biggest trick of it is going to be keeping up with the logistics of the various projects. There are a lot of moving pieces in a project like this and along with acting as creative director, I’ll be playing the role of traffic cop. We are going to be starting off with just a handful of clients to get a feel for how all of this is going to work. So far we have lined up three Good Works Group clients and I have commitments from a couple of designers and photographers, which is a great start to the project.

I am really excited to get things rolling and hope to wrap up the business plan for the second semester. I think I am going to need to put together a board of advisors for a project like this. I think we’ll want some people who are creative professionals as well as a few who are from outside of the design/photo fields. If anyone thinks they might be interested in participating in something like this, please drop me at e-mail or give me a call at your convenience. Or, as I keep saying, feel free to stop by the studio.

Also, I’d like to take a moment to point out the fact that this is two blog entries in one week. I’m like the Victor Hugo of blogging. This week, anyway.


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