989 Design

989 Design is one of the Tri-Cities' leading graphic design studios. Specialties include logo and identity design, branding, and all forms of marketing communications.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Long Time, No Blog

Okay…it’s clear that my plan on keeping the blog updated isn’t working very well and it’s driving me nuts because I’ve had some great feedback on the blog. I’ve even had a few people comment on the lack of updating, which is a little embarrassing. I know the reasons that I’m having such a tough time, but the truth is that most of the reasons are just excuses. When I am in the studio there are just too many distractions: the phones (landline and cell) ring, e-mail, internet, ping pong, etc. At home it’s walking the dogs, raking the leaves, hanging this picture or that mirror, doing dishes, etc.

It’s the same problem that everyone has—prioritization. When I’m at work my list starts with income-generating projects and then moves on to whatever is the next highest priority. At home it’s no different. When I’m busy at work, I put off tasks that need to be done around the house until things slow down. So in the time I could be writing a blog entry, I look at my laundry list of things I’ve been putting off and then I try to tackle them. In between episodes of House, that is.

I think I finally figured out the biggest part of the problem, though. I need to treat writing just as I would any other client project in the studio. I have a list of article ideas a mile long, I just need to set specific deadlines and get them written. The truth is that I enjoy sitting down to write, I just need to be more strict about defining the when and where of writing.

Today I said I’d get two entries written and one posted (so that I’d have one in the bank for later this week). I drove to Harvest Coffeehouse & Beanery on Bay City’s east side (a really great coffeehouse, by the way), left my cell phone in the truck, put Okkervil River on my iPod, and just sat down to write.
From now on, I am making a commitment to update the blog at least twice per week—hopefully Monday and Thursday, but let’s not hold my feet to the fire on the exact days. Baby steps, right?

Thanks again for your continued support on the site and the blog. Keep coming back and I promise to deliver on my commitment to blog more often.

Hope your November is starting off well.


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